August is nearly over, and so much has been happening I’ve not been able to update the blog very much. So, here’s a quick update of some of the major events that have been going on around here
Last weekend we moved house!
Change can be a big issue for people with autism, so I was a little bit nervous about moving house. But all signs so far are that Tommy and Jude have settled in well to their new environment! It was the easiest house move ever, as we moved into a house opposite our old one, but I wondered if this could be confusing too. It’s a much bigger space which I hope will make a big difference in the future. One day I want to be able to have Jude and Tommy together here for the odd night or two, and all be comfortable. The new house makes this more possible as there will be the space for Jude and Tommy to be apart if they need to. Having to keep them separate has become a way of life, but one that I hope can change in the future
Tommy went abroad!
At the same time as I moved house, Tommy went away with his mum for his first trip ever on a plane! He handled the airport experience incredibly well, and was happy throughout their flight (apart from his ears hurting on landing) Tommy has had a great week away so far, spending most of it in the pool and the sea. I was really worried before they went, scared that they might be delayed at the airport, that it would all be too much for him. But, he has proved me wrong, and maybe next year I’ll have the chance to do the same with him!
We all managed a trip to McDonalds together!
As I said above, I hope that one day we’re able to re-integrate Jude and Tommy together. I’d love to be able to spend time together as a 3. A couple of weeks ago, it happened by chance that I was taking Tommy to McDonalds and their mum was taking Jude. So, we gave it a go and all sat down together inside. With Jude usually having to eat in the car, this was a real step outside of all of our comfort zones, but we managed to sit for 20 minutes together with no tears or meltdowns. This was my highlight of the whole holidays, a moment that I so want to be able to repeat in the years to come!
We all went on a boat together
Seeing as we live right by the river, and the boys love being out on the water, their grandad bought them a small boat for us to use. So, a couple of months ago I took my powerboat license, and we managed a few trips along the river during the holidays. We even managed one trip with both Tommy and Jude on the boat together. This is the sort of experience they can share where they can both have fun. Maybe Jude can even come to realise that being around Tommy is ok
We visited the sensory room again
Last year I spent a lot of time at a local sensory room with Jude, but he seemed to be getting bored of it so we stopped going and kind of forgot about it. With the long summer break and so few places we can go, we made a few trips there. Jude had a great time, and was so at ease he even allowed my mum to come with us and play with him too. I took Tommy on another day, and once again they managed to remind me just how different they are. They both played with completely different things and interacted with me in such different ways. Having a day out with Jude or Tommy presents such different challenges and things to look out for. It’s almost as if I have to be a completely different parent to each of them
We just got through the school holidays as best we can!
School holidays aren’t what I imagined they’d be. There’s so few places we can go that the boys can cope with, so few things they are interested in, that it can make it very tough keeping them entertained for 7 straight weeks. Both Tommy and Jude need constant 1-1 care, and don’t have any friends they can go visit or play with. But, just like any other parent out there, we simply do the best we can. So, it’s been filled with trips to McDonalds, kick arounds in the park, trampolining, puzzles, books, music, iPads, the sensory room, and walks along the river. Some days have been great, some days full of meltdowns, but overall it’s been a happy summer.
In two more weeks Jude and Tommy will be starting back at school, in brand new buildings with amazing facilities. Our regular routines can kick back in, and hopefully their happy moods can lead to even more progress than this year has already seen. I hope the summer has been just as good for you!